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About a month later, you decide to go shopping, wondering if you could find a speed boat or race car to fit your new life style, or perhaps you'll just get that limo you had been eyeing about a week earlier. As you walk down the street, though, you almost gasp as you look into a supermarket window. You see hundreds of people in line, carts and arms crammed full of boxes, all labeled with the Cookie Wolf logo. But that is not what causes your alarm.

Everyone is HUGE, squeezed into clothing that seems to be 10 sizes too small. Huge bellies flow over belts straining on their waists, looking as if they cut painfully deep. You can't even see one in line that has a neck; just row upon row of fat bulges. As you enter the store for a closer look, someone comes forward. "I'm sorry, sir, we're out of Cookie Wolf cookies... oh", says a rather slim vixen, as she notices that you are not a huge bulging whale like the others. "You don't buy those, do you?" "No," you answer, still a bit shocked by the line. "Thank goodness," she says. "We hardly get any normal customers anymore. Everyone's gone cookie crazy! Half our shelves are stocked with them, and we still don't have enough!" You stare at a hugely obese fox waddling toward the door, pushing a cart bulging with as many boxes as he has rolls of flab. As he passes through, he becomes wedged, his massive sides bulging past the doorframe. The vixen becomes alarmed. "Excuse me," she says, hurrying to the fox. "Harry, you've got to stop! You're going to explode at this rate!" She says, pushing the backside of the fox until he plops through the door. "No way!" You hear the fox say, as he opens up one of the boxes and starts pouring the cookies into his mouth, pushing the vixen away as she tries to stop him. "These are just too good!" he says, his mouth full of you cookies.

You walk away from the store, feeling a small knot in your stomach. Everyone is getting huge because of your cookies; you can't help but feel a bit guilty. As you pass a clothing store, you see clothing in the window. It looks more like tents with room for the whole family. It is vacant, though, and a man sits on the steps, talking to another man. "I don't see how we can stay open. Even with the new sizes, no one cares, they just spend it all on those damn cookies..." You hurry along your way, noticing more and more stores that seem to be suffering just as badly. You start thinking that it may be time to rethink you 'perfect' plan...

Written by Jacob (edited by wanderer)

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