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You feel light as a feather...

You look at the potion in the glass, which is a light purple hue. Having come this far, your not about to just let it sit there, so you knock it back, swallowing the small mouthful in one gulp. It tastes extremely bitter, you're forced to make a face and which you had something to wash the tase out of your mouth. However, your more interested in what effect the potion has on you rather then flavoring. You look around, wondering if Agatha has a mirror somewhere, but the only reflective surfaces you can find is the shield onan ornamental suit of armor, which distorts your reflection somewhat. Still, you eagerly watch, hoping to see your figure shrink.

You feel a particular tingle for a moment. And watch carefully for any sign of change. You don't seen anything, but you feel it. The strain on your legs begins to lesson, and your overloaded feet not feeling so stressed. is it working? You feel about your body, reaching and grasping at your rolls of fat, trying to feel for any loosening or shrinking. All that greets you is the blobby, spongy feeling of massive of fat, but still, the feeling of getting lighter continues. Finally you grasp as much of your stomach as possible and lift it between your arms. While it feels just as full as ever, it does feel as if it is getting lighter. Perhaps your getting stronger?

You decide to check the book again, and begin walking back. However as you take your first few steps, as your belly shakes downward and bounces up, you feel your body bobs upwards, your fat undulating upwards and downwards in exaggerated waves. And throwing you off balance. As you continue your strides, the motion becomes stronger as the feeling of weight loss continues, and you find the motion of your body forcing you to bob back and forth one leg at a time like some strange fatty water balloon. Finally you become so light that your next step sends you tumbling over, bouncing onto you stomach, your stomach distended outward with what little weight you have left before bouncing you into the air and head over heels, before landing on your rump, dizzy from the motion, your bloated features jiggling about you. Even the feeling of losing weight continues.

Your try to get to your feet, and suddenly you feel as if you are falling as the motion lifts your body off the ground and sends it spinning in the air like a balloon. You flail your arms about but only managed to set yourself spinning more as your body bobs back down to the ground and bounces. You try to calm yourself, letting the motion slow until you come to a rest on your stomach once more, your flab still wobbling like a jello.. Finally the feeling of weight loss stops, replaced with an uncertain feeling of hanging on the edge of a ledge. Testing lay, you push gently on the ground. Your entire body lifts off, and your feel a falling sensation in you float into the air, rotating slowly as you fat wobbles back and forth as if your on the moon.

Apparently the potion worked. You've lost weight alright, but that's all you've lost, your so light your weightless! "I'm back," comes the voice of Agatha from the stairs as you try to scramble for purchase, "How did your stud... Oh... My..." She vaulters off as she sees your form bounce off the floor again. You see she has brought the pot of stew with her, though it looks like a new batch. "What mess have you gotten yourself into this time?" She says in an exasperated tone...

Written by Spots

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