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Jump up, and be thrown up!

The stench of the acid is so bad, you jump to your feet. As it fills the floor of the stomach, you hop onto Jennifer's half-digested copse.

As you try to think of some way to escape, the stomach seems to contrict and shrink. In fact it's you that, growing into a full grown roo!*

The monster's throat is directly above your head, Your powerful legs are fully formed, and Jennifer's corpse is very soft and bouncy. You start bouncing higher and higher until you bounce straight up through the monster's throat, grabbing it's tonsils, but it's mouth is still tightly fused shut.

Pulling your feet up, you kick the mouth, but it still remains clenched shut.

(*Yes Perry, I'm keeping the player character female, as you can do a lot with pouches!)

Written by AndrewAnorak

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