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"Fred," you sigh, "I know that it's just the curse talking, but you are pushing it a bit." You cast a rueful glance at both bellies. "Neither of us needs any more food. For a week."

But Fred's stomach merely rumbles, and he gazes up at you soulfully. You find it very hard to deny his large, pleading eyes. When he puts a pathetic, begging paw on your side, your hand scurries to your wallet. Well, it couldn't hurt just to get a few things. Just to take the edge off his appetite. And yours, you realise in suprise.

The two of you wander heavily around the market. Fred seems to want something from every stall, and it takes all of your determination to say "No".

Sometimes you even manage to stick to it.

You have to admit that the food is delicious, though. Wonderful, greasy chicken wings in a spicy coating; delictely seasoned pieces of breaded fish; delicous, crumbly cheeses that leave your mouth watering for more; chewy smoked meats that explode with flavour. And the sweets! "No wonder Fred put on so much weight!" you say to yourself, with your mouth full.

A warm feeling spreads through your tum, and you give it a contented little pat. It's the first time in ages that you've enjoyed the food you've eaten, you realise. No worry about calories, no dietary considerations, just the myriad tastes and a full belly.

Fred still shows no sign of slowing down, and is almost as persuasive as the smells from the different stalls. It all smells so good that you filch some of Fred's food when you get it. He doesn't seem to mind sharing his food with a fellow fatty. "He probably knows exactly what I'm feeling like" you decide.

Pretty soon, you feel absolutely stuffed with food. Your paunch is now round, taut and at least 3 inches larger all over than before. "All of which will become fat pretty soon" you think, disheartened. Fred has gained even more, and his belly now splays his legs wide and drags constantly on the ground. His jaws are being eclipsed by his cheeks, and he's struggling to keep up with you. You almost laugh until you realise that you are proportionately as fat as he is!

The thought dampens your spirits somewhat, but nothing can dispel that wonderful satisfaction at being full, now so intense that it almost hurts as much as your swollen gut.

Written by Lupine (edited by wanderer)

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